Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crazy Week!

This has been a crazy week so far!  But, what else should I expect... with Valentine's Day and all!  We had a blast at our party yesterday.  Of course, it wasn't a normal day.  I had a SME workshop scheduled in the middle of the day, so we had our Valentine exchange at 8:20 in the morning!  Thank goodness we know how to be flexible in Kindergarten!

I love family projects, so of course we had a Valentine family project.  I gave every child a capri sun or kool-aid drink box the week before Valentine's Day.  Their job was to decorate their mailbox for our valentine exchange.  Here's a look at the boxes before they went home... the children took special care to pick out which box they wanted.  These kids are too funny!

Here are some of the finished products:
This little girl has Bieber Fever!

 This one had a hinge inside the flap...

 I loved this hunting animal...

 One of my little guys lost his drink box and used a huge box instead :)

Our quick Valentine exchange breakfast... we had a lot of fruit and non-sweets because we have a peanut allergy in our classroom.  I actually enjoyed all the fruits and non-sweets. This is a portion of the fruit- we still had 2 things of strawberries, 2 bags of apples, 20 bananas, 20 oranges, and 24 cheese sticks in the fridge.  We are enjoying these healthy snacks the rest of the week.  

 Here are some of my teacher friend's projects... she's my partner in crime across the hall.

I just love how these projects turn out every year.  The kids love to show off their work too.  Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day with their sweet kiddos!


  1. I love these valentine boxes!! They're great. I enjoyed looking at your blog. I'm your newest follower.

    Coloring Outside The Lines

  2. Those are too cute! What a great idea. Thanks for visiting my blog! And now I get to be your newest follower too. :) Your blog looks great!
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets
